All the time, I hear the frustration from parents on how difficult it is to get a great shot of their kids. Well, here are a few tips on making it look more professional and taking a bit of the stress off.
#1) It's all about the lighting. Most people are surprised when I tell them that you need a flash ESPECIALLY outdoors and at the beach! When you are outside with all of that bright light, your camera is fooled into thinking you don't need even more, however that's exactly what you need to fill in the dark shadows under the eyes and add that special twinkle. Also, whenever possible make sure to turn your kids so that the sun is on their backs, not on faces - this is called backlighting. This allows the background to be lit by the sun and the foreground to be lit by your flash, delivering a more even overall exposure.
#2) With kids, you always need entertainment ready in your back pocket - but don't pull out the ammunition until you absolutely need to. Most times being silly and goofy (which come naturally to me :) is all it takes. Whatever you do, don't ask them to smile, instead play a game that gets them to smile. I like Simon Says, and kids love it!
#3) Try a different angle. Shooting from down low looking up a bit will often be the trick to remove ugly things on your horizon lines (such as telephone poles, cars, houses, other people) - it also allows your kids to pop out of a cleaner background making them more defined. Another great option is to get down to your child's eye level, this will make a big difference in your perspective through the lens. Your child will immediately feel more at ease and curious (this works with pets too).
#4) Have fun - your kids will pick up on your energy - if you are stressed and they feel pressure, it will show - first in their behavior and then in the images. So, flip flop that and have some fun!
Now go out there and get shooting! And send me your images and comments.